Auto shop mechanic

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N2 People trenutno traži auto shop mechanic.

Auto Damage Mechanic

As a car damage mechanic, you play an essential role in repairing and renewing vehicles that have sustained damage. With your expertise, you will ensure that damaged cars’re back in optimal condition. You have an eye for detail and safety so customers can get back on the road with peace of mind. Do you have a passion for cars’s, technical insight and the drive to deliver quality?  At N2 People, we are always looking for Automotive professionals who want to take their skills to the next level! 

What do you need:

  • Certification as an auto mechanic
  • Driving license B1
  • English speaking and writing is a plus
  • Job description–talk to our recruiter


What will you get:

  • Housing - if needed – single room
  • Health insurance
  • Travel – if necessary
  • Shoes and clothing (if needed)
  • Good salary net €500 - € 600 per week  
  • Work with the latest techniques and materials 
  • Work at high-end companies
  • Chance to develop yourself
  • Long-term contract

Prijavite se korak po korak

Korak 1
Korak 2
Korak 3

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Prijemni intervju

Razgovarat ćemo o vašim kvalifikacijama, vještinama i radnom iskustvu kako bismo stekli dobar dojam o vama kao stručnjaku.


Podudaramo se s zahtjevom klijenta i raspravljamo o datumu početka!

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Kontaktirajte našeg regrutera N2 People

+31 (0) 85 020 08 05